the first one, of course, a food bowl no both food and water bowls I'd like to see you avoid plastic to the best of your ability plastic is porous it lets in germs and nasty stuff and it is the most common place where cats get chin acne from and yes they get chin acne along with why would you want them to drink all that sort of regurgitated germy stuff what you want to do is get either ceramic or stainless steel bowl or glass pyrex I've seen wonderful bowls that are made of a sort of a pyrex glass so it's not as breakable but these are things that are the non-porous best way to give your cats freshwater also when it comes to water I'm a big believer in having running water for your cats as well because if you've seen your cat.
just go to the faucet and just be like oh I could do this all day long they need a fountain as well so again I recommend cat fountains that are made primarily of ceramic or glass or stainless steel all
of these things is keeping that water running through you change it every day it's nice and fresh and it's running and really there are a lot of cats who just love well they love playing in it also but they do love drinking from it as well and one of the most obvious things if not the most obvious thing that you need for your cat is a litter box but not just one litter box.
i know bear with me you guys I know what I'm talking about if you're bringing home one cat have two litter boxes two cats three litter boxes and so on and so forth just it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to litter boxes and I know a lot of you guys don't like looking at them but you know you just got a cat you know litter boxes are good of course I've got lots of videos and talk a lot about litter and litter boxes in my book total cat mojo so check both of those out in the meantime go for big okay go for big go for broke you don't want your cat to have to sort of move around in a box where they just don't feel like they can turn around and dig with enough freedom so give him that freedom uh also remember with litter my big recommendation is going natural go unscented period there are a lot of good litters out there.
anyhow that's my recommendation natural unscented soft okay so that we're basically going for the lowest common denominator when it comes to cat's preference some cats want a litter that feels like sand itself really nice and soft a lot of cats don't like those strong perfumes and i don't recommend that whatsoever and I'm just not a big believer in clay litter there it's out there right now I'm also a believer that we shouldn't be using those plastic liners in litter boxes nor should we start out with hoods on those boxes at all it's a
the real fallacy to say that cats like their privacy and they want the hooded box come on that's for us let's just fax these facts here and also when it comes to the liners again it's for our convenience
seen a lot of cats when they scratch they get their claws stuck on that liner and that just tells them not to go in that box so again why take the risk and don't forget a litter scoop as well for each litter box try a litter scoop and hey check out litter genie also if you haven't before because man I'm telling you you want to talk about a life changer not having to walk around with a scoop full of poop and take to the toilet or bring a little shopping bag with you everywhere it is a lifesaver as far as I'm concerned but anyway in terms of scooping do it at least once or twice a day make sure that that litter is kept clean because most cats don't like walking over a minefield in order to do their thing so just playing it safe all right so when we talk about essentials there's nothing more essential than what you're going to feed your cat now, of course, I've talked about this.
ad nauseam in a lot of different places here's my belief in things i don't like dry food I don't think you should start your cat on dry food
a lot of shelters and rescues will feed dry because that's what gets donated and it's a lot easier than getting wet food so you want to make sure to do a slow transition over the course of about a week or so but if you can get your cats onto a raw or a wet diet that's the thing to do that to me makes for longer life and a healthier cat and a happier cat because cats are what they are obligate carnivores which are they need to eat meat all the time a grain-free wet is best raw is even better dry don't do it so the next thing that we want to get you going on and we've talked about base camp already but what do you put in your base camp again take a look at that base camp.
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